- viogٷվ Leadership
viogٷվ Pledges
- To further our efforts and commitment to address diversity, inclusion and equity issues in institutional policies, procedures, practices and daily operations.
- To embrace and deploy real and sustainable change in policies and practices that may overtly or covertly contribute to racial hierarchies, inequities and injustices.
- To be fully transparent and accountable in the words we speak, the actions we take and the programs we create for all members of our community.
Join Us
Our community is committed to change and to the enhancement of our Diversity, Inclusion and Equity programs and actions. While progress in recent years has addressed important gaps, the work is far from over. These times call for more bold steps and well-executed initiatives to become a truly inclusive community that fosters respect and civil discourse for all.
We appreciate the continued campus-wide engagement. viogٷվ’s mission and values serve as the bedrock for the continued deliberations and robust exchanges so important to creating the open, fair and supportive campus environment that all members of our community deserve.
Your ideas, involvement and voice matter. Share your thoughts by using the or email vpec@lehigh.edu so we can continue this work, together.
An Evolving Process
This plan is a framework meant to guide the viogٷվ community’s collaborative efforts, which we acknowledge will change and evolve over time. It also reflects a compilation of best practices and current thinking in the diversity, inclusion and equity space based on both scholarly and community research.
The plan also represents the current best practices in improving organizational climates in government, business and higher education. It may contain similar material from multiple public sources and standard language for strategic diversity, inclusion and equity efforts.
We have been energized by colleagues in the diversity, inclusion and equity space and acknowledge in particular the United States Military Academy at West Point and the University of Missouri, whose plans inspired some of the language.