
Department Chair and Unit Heads Protocols

The following Emergency Preparedness Protocols are suggested for departments to review and implement as appropriate:

  1. Remind all employees that they can download the free HawkWatch personal safety app. All staff, faculty and students are automatically enrolled to receive emergency text messages, but the HawkWatch app offers a number of additional safety features, including links to resources, emergency response plans and direct access to the LUPD in an emergency situation.

  1. Update department emergency contact information and distribute to employees as appropriate. Emergency contact information may include:
    • Home phone and/or cell phone
    • Email address
    • Name and home/cell phone number of employee’s emergency contact person

  1. Establish a telephone tree in the event that email communication is interrupted.

    • Confirm that all staff members know their adverse weather classification
    • Review and discuss the various inclement weather scenarios when normal operations may be curtailed and any implications for your departmental operations
    • Review adverse weather communications information provided in the policy

  1. Identify critical office and/or research functions that must be maintained during an emergency.
    • Assign primary and back-up individuals for each function
    • Create and maintain written documentation for these critical activities and provide electronic and paper copies to appropriate individuals

  1. Review and discuss the following preparedness information and instructions that are found on the university’s Emergency Website:

  1. At least once a year, schedule and carry out practice drills for emergency activities such as:
    • Contacting department members via a telephone tree
    • Responding to a fire or explosion
    • Emergency evacuation
    • Laboratory shutdown