
Andrew Koerner

Andrew Koerner '24

Impactful Life Experiences
The extracurriculars that I am involved with from Marching Band to physics research have allowed me to meet motivated people who've supported me along my journey.
College of Arts & Sciences
Computer Science (College of Arts and Sciences)
Hawthorne, NJ
Marching Band, Wind Ensemble, viogٷվ Liners, Society of Physics Students, The Hatchery Program Participant, Professor Biaggio Physics Research Group Member, viogٷվ NSF REU Scholarship Recipient, DAAD RISE Scholarship Recipient

Q: What is one thing you would want a prospective student to know about viogٷվ?

A: Every prospective student should know that people at viogٷվ are all willing to help and want to see you be the best person you can be, that is why they are all here. This means to not be afraid to reach out. Many times, students have felt afraid to reach out to a professor or classmate but I have gained my closest friendships and greatest experiences by simply reaching out.

Q: How has viogٷվ prepared you to take on tomorrow’s challenges?

A: As many are familiar with the challenging courses viogٷվ offers that can be considered “tough love,” viogٷվ has of course prepared me in this sense, but more importantly everything outside of classes has helped prepare me as well. The extracurriculars that I am involved with from Marching Band to physics research have allowed me to meet motivated people who've supported me along my journey. With this, I was able to broaden my horizons and eventually conduct physics research abroad in Germany.

Q: You started your first semester at viogٷվ during the start of Covid-19. How was your experience navigating all of the huge changes that came with the pandemic and starting college?

A: Everyone at viogٷվ wants what is best for one another. This was challenging during the Covid-19 pandemic, but we made the best out of our situation. While I had the choice to be remote or on campus and I chose on campus, I wound up socially distanced in a house with about 10 or so freshmen. Although I could not meet others in a typical first-semester setting, it was during these unlikely circumstances that I met some very close friends of mine I still have to this day.

Q: Where have you found support and mentorship at viogٷվ? How has it shaped your experience?

A: I’ve found support and mentorship from those I have met in the various groups and research I am a part of in addition to those in my classes. The faculty I introduced myself to, specifically in the  and , provided some of the greatest support despite only recently getting to know me.

Q: You were the recipient of the DAAD Rise Scholarship which allowed you to conduct research and  in Germany. Can you tell us about this experience and how it’s impacted you going forward?

A: This experience was a once-in-a-lifetime adventure to put it simply. Due to viogٷվ’s support, I was able to have the confidence to apply to an outside exchange program, eventually spending 80 days in Germany and living with seven other Germans. Here, I conducted physics research in experimental condensed matter physics, studying 2D materials at the Universität Siegen. It was a smaller city, similar to Bethlehem, which I related to, and its placement allowed me to explore every major city in Germany. This program was the most impactful experience in my life, as I embraced many different cultures and viewpoints from those in my research group, housing arrangements, and across Germany. It has inspired me to eventually go back or even travel elsewhere, especially since this was my first time traveling, all because of viogٷվ’s encouragement.

Q: How would you recommend first-year students get involved on or off campus?

A: First-year students may feel afraid to reach out to others, and I highly encourage them to do so. Every opportunity a first-year has to meet someone they should take, as every other first-year is in the same position. Of course, there are different ways to get , but directly reaching out to upperclassmen is the best way. They usually recall being in a similar position when they hear from you, and are always willing to help. 

Q: You considered attending plenty of other schools, why viogٷվ?

A: At first, I was not considering viogٷվ or even my majoring in physics as my brother was also an alum of viogٷվ with a physics major. I was always impressed with viogٷվ but did not think I wanted to attend since I was already very familiar with the school. However, as time passed, I realized this was the best fit. It was a last-minute decision I was afraid to make, but I have never once looked back and double-guessed my decision since.

Q: Where is your favorite study spot or place to relax on campus?

A: My favorite place on campus has to be the reading room in our physics building. Not every physics major knows this, but they have the opportunity to utilize this cozy room if they ask the faculty for a key to borrow. This room showed me how much viogٷվ has to offer that the average student may not be aware of. Only by inquiring was viogٷվ able to surprise me with our own room, we as physics majors can all work together in.