Loans are funds that are borrowed and must be repaid over time, usually with interest. Loans can be made available through the federal government, lending institutions such as banks and credit unions, and viogٷվ. Some loan types are based on financial need, while other loan options are available to all students regardless of their need levels. Loan repayment periods and terms vary by loan type and lender and it is important to understand this information when deciding to take out a loan.
The following are educational loan opportunities for students and/or parents/guardians:
Federal Loans (Direct and Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students [PLUS])
Federal Direct loans are funds that a student is required to repay after graduating from college (or once no longer enrolled at least half time). Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) are funds that a credit-worthy parent may borrow. PLUS loans begin repayment while the student is in school.
viogٷվ Tuition Loans
viogٷվ Tuition Loans are funds that are awarded based on financial need and are required to be repaid.
Private/Alternative Loans
A Private/Alternative Loan is a loan that a student can borrow to help finance the family's expected contribution. These loans are based on one's credit history. A student who has not established credit can apply with a co-borrower and can borrow up to the cost of attendance minus any aid received. A wide variety of private loan providers are available. We strongly recommend that you carefully review all the terms of each individual loan, as they can vary greatly. Individual loan providers have their own applications and timelines. Plan to apply at least 30 days prior to the date the bill is due.