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ÌÇÐÄviog¹Ù·½ÍøÕ¾ expects its employees to perform their duties in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, University policy and procedures, and the highest ethical standards. Employees and others who have serious concerns about potential misconduct are encouraged to raise them with the University before seeking external resolution.
The Trustee Audit Committee directed that a confidential Ethics and Compliance Hotline be established and maintained. This communications link allows any member of the ÌÇÐÄviog¹Ù·½ÍøÕ¾ Community (faculty, staff and students) the opportunity to anonymously and confidentially report concerns they have regarding the financial and operational aspects of the University. This would include financial or ethical concerns, fraud, conflicts of interest, noncompliance with governmental or university requirements, etc.
University faculty, staff, students or volunteers shall not retaliate against any individual who, acting in good faith, reports suspected or actual wrongful conduct. University faculty, staff, students or volunteers shall not directly or indirectly use or attempt to use the official authority or influence of their offices for the purpose of interfering with the right of an individual to make such disclosure to the individual's immediate supervisor or other appropriate administrator or University official. Any violation of these prohibitions against retaliation shall constitute a violation of University policy and may result in disciplinary action.
To ensure anonymity the University has contracted with EthicsPoint to administer the Hotline. Click below to file a report either by phone or online. You will be taken to a webpage on EthicsPoint secure server which is not part of the University’s website.