
Responding to an Emergency

Responding to an Emergency

Building Evacuation

All building evacuations will occur when an alarm sounds continuously and/or through notification by emergency personnel.

What to do if your building is being evacuated:

  • Remain calm.
  • Close all doors behind you as you leave. Take essentials only as time permits.
  • Proceed to the nearest stairwell and form a line to the right (emergency personnel may need to use the stairwell and will pass you on your left).
  • DO NOT use the elevators.
  • Be aware of people with disabilities in your area who may need assistance - notify emergency personnel.
  • Once outside, move clear of the building by at least 500 feet, allowing others to exit.
  • DO NOT return to the evacuated building until you are given clearance by emergency personnel.
  • Consult and check in with your official Building Monitors, who know the rally points for your building.