How to Enroll, Remove Yourself or Modify Your Volunteer Selections & Contact Information
To enroll, sign in to Connect viogٷվ using your network login and password. On the Connect viogٷվ page, first click Banner to access the viogٷվ Enterprise Wide Information System and from there, click the Employee tab. Then click the Volunteer to Assist During Crisis Situations option. Enroll by selecting one or more Volunteer Services options and providing your contact information for crisis situations. You can also remove yourself from the database.
Volunteer Services include:
Complete remote work such as staffing a phone bank or contact tracing
Distribute food or emergency supplies (on campus)
Disseminate Information
Assist with on-campus Shelter Operations, which may include day and/or night on-site operations, distributing food and sundries, and assisting Residence Life staff.
Enter your Preferred Contact information. Your preferred contact information is this the best way to reach you in the event of a crisis or a power outage on campus. This information is confidential and will only be used for the purpose of communicating during a crisis.
To Complete Your Enrollment or Remove Yourself, click the appropriate box at the bottom of the screen.
For more information, read the Volunteering Eligibility/FAQ document located on the Enrollment Page or call Risk Management at (610) 758-3899